Laila Harbison is a 18-year-old Senior who attends West Mecklenburg High School in Charlotte, NC. Her favorite color is purple, and she loves to get her nails done. Laila is a straight-A student with a GPA of 3.6. She plans on attending the University of Alabama, majoring in Human Science, and furthering her education towards a doctorate in Chiropractic Medicine. Born a preemie and only weighing 1 lb. 5 oz, Laila made an impact immediately upon entering the world. Laila is a member of SGA and is also a member of the Mayor's Job Employment Program in Charlotte, which hand-selects young men and women who show strong abilities that influence entrepreneurship and business leadership. She is an advocate and supporter of Autism Speaks and has volunteered with Special Olympics for the past 8 years.
Laila is a business owner. She is excited to announce that she will be launching her own Bath & Body Works line in the Fall of 2024
Spending time with family is something she loves to do. She is a twin and also has an older set of siblings who are twins as well. When she’s not spending time with family, you can catch her on the runway. Laila has modeled for numerous New York Fashion Week fashion designers and walked in some of the most elite fashion shows. Laila has been featured in two fashion campaigns that launched worldwide. She has modeled for several designers, such as New York designers Adrian Alicea and Larry Underwood and local fashion designer Dale Cordice Jr. She is a middle-distance track and field athlete who was once ranked sixth in the country in the 800-meter run. She is a martial artist and recently received her orange belt in Tae Kwan Do. Her hobbies are reading, shopping, and art. On top of all her other activities, Laila is an amazing artist. She has had several pieces showcased in her local school's exhibits and plans to minor in art and graphic design.
Her first response will be "being different." Laila believes there is no such thing as a norm. She loves to express herself in ways that make her comfortable and happy. If that means wearing bright colors and patterns, then she's all in! She loves changing hairstyles and is definitely considered a "sneaker addict." Her fabulous collection of footwear ranges from your basic Chuck Taylors to even gold and crystal-studded Air Force ones! Laila embraces her ability to be able to change her eyewear, footwear, and fashion to match her mood and personality. Laila's motto is: "Beauty is being comfortable with who you are while allowing others to learn to be comfortable too."